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Obtaining a Whiter Smile

When you have discolored teeth, you may focus too much on hiding your smile when you should be having fun. We believe you should have a smile that you want to show off! Dr. Scott Finlay of Annapolis Smiles, an Annapolis, MD dentist, explains the whitening options available at our practice.cosmetic dentist in annapolis, maryland

Professional Teeth Whitening

When you think of getting a whiter smile at your dentist, professional teeth whitening is probably what comes to mind. There are many benefits of professional whitening compared to over the counter options. Drugstore solutions are often one size fits all and can lead to sensitivity if the bleaching agent comes into contact with the soft tissue. Store-bought options can also lead to blotchy and uneven results.

At our office, we offer take-home teeth whitening solutions. Dr. Finlay was proudly featured in an article by What’s Up? Media about teeth whitening. We’re proud to share our expertise to make sure patients get the bright white smile they’re looking for.

Take-home kits start with getting impressions of your smile. Customized whitening trays are made to fit perfectly. A professional-grade whitening gel is provided and is evenly distributed with these trays. They can be worn at night or at other times that are convenient for you. Dr. Finlay will help you determine how long you should keep up with whitening treatments to meet your cosmetic goals.

Porcelain Veneers

Not all discoloration or staining can be taken care of with traditional whitening solutions. Porcelain veneers offer an alternative option for staining caused by things like genetics or medication. Veneers are thin shells of dental ceramic that go over the front and sides of the teeth. The material is designed to be durable and stain-resistant for a long-lasting solution.

To get veneers, we’ll first remove a layer of tooth structure. We want to make sure the veneers will lay flat and flush with the rest of your smile. Impressions are taken so that the veneers can be custom-made. When they’re ready, they’ll be fitted to your teeth and small adjustments are made if needed. Once you’re satisfied, they’ll be permanently bonded to your teeth.

Dental Bonding

If you’re looking for an economical option and aren’t ready for a permanent one, dental bonding may be your best choice. The bonding material is made of a composite resin that’s color-matched to the shade of white you’re looking for. It’s malleable as well, so you can take care of cosmetic chips while you are whitening your teeth.

For bonding, a minimal amount of tooth structure is removed so that the material can adhere to the tooth. It’s molded to the shape of your tooth to make sure it looks natural. When you’re satisfied, the material is cured and hardened with a special light. It’s then polished to match the sheen of your natural teeth.

Get a Whiter Smile at Your Annapolis Dentist

Ready to get a smile you want to show off? Call us or schedule an appointment online.