Have you noticed that your smile does not look as pearly white as it once did? Over time, teeth might start to turn yellow or dark or form stains on their surface. This change in the appearance of your teeth can majorly impact your self-esteem and confidence.
A dentist can work with you to whiten your teeth. But you can also preserve your naturally beautiful tooth color when you know which factors could risk tooth discoloration. Read on to discover three reasons you might form stains on your smile as well as how to counter this risk of damage to your smile aesthetics.
3 Common Causes of Dental Stains
Consuming Substances with Staining Agents
A primary reason that you might develop stains on your teeth is the types of items you put in your mouth. You likely already know that your diet can impact your oral health. But certain foods and beverages will have a high chance of staining your smile.
Dark drinks like coffee, tea, and red wine get their color from tannins. These substances will transfer to your teeth as you consume them, leaving deep discoloration within the enamel that you cannot remove with your usual oral hygiene routine.
Sipping through a straw or adding milk to your beverage can lower the risk of dental discoloration but not eliminate it entirely. So you should limit these items containing staining agents in your diet. Tobacco will also stain your teeth if you chew or smoke it, so steer clear of this substance too.
Underlying Dental Problems
Tooth stains can form as a symptom of certain dental problems as well. For instance, a cavity, an early stage of tooth decay, can present as a white, brown, or black spot on the surface of the tooth. You will need treatment from your dentist to get rid of this structural dental problem.
You might also see dullness in your tooth color if you develop a problem with your tooth pulp. Whether due to a dental injury or other types of damage, tooth pulp may become non-vital, meaning it no longer receives adequate blood flow. This results in a high risk of further dental complications as well as this discoloration.
So do not ignore changes in the color of your teeth. Dental discoloration might signify a larger dental concern requiring intervention from your dentist.
Other Factors Outside Patient Control
Dental discoloration can form due to reasons outside of your control as well. Aging, for instance, will weaken your tooth enamel, making it more susceptible to yellowing. Certain medications can also leave stains on your teeth as a side effect.
To ensure you can best preserve your tooth color, visit your dentist on a regular basis. They can provide effective preventative dental care that will suit your unique smile, protecting the look and feel of your teeth. Call your dentist to schedule an appointment today or contact a staff member online.